Posts by Will for Blog:

What's New Ruby for Ruby on Rails

June 01, 2024 by Will

Introduction As we step into the new year, the Ruby and RubyOnRails communities are buzzing with excitement over the latest updates and advancements. In 2024, developers can anticipate an array of new features, enhancements, and tools that promise to elevate their coding experience and streamline the web development process. Let's delve... Read More


May 30, 2022 by Will

What is it JAMStack stands for Javascript Api and Markup. Although really, that's a bit muddled. Once deployed they are primarily markup, with interactive features and API data sprinkled on top with Javascript. JAMStack has made a splash over the last few years because it turns what has become the norm of... Read More

Hierarchical Menu Management with RubyOnRails

March 21, 2022 by Will

Most websites have a set of pages that need to be arranged as a tree, allowing users to drill down into more detailed pages. To manage that in the admin area, it's nice to be able to drag and drop the pages into the tree. Such a fancy feature is pretty... Read More

Adding Embeds to an ActionText Field

February 04, 2022 by Will

When a website requires a lot of custom functionality, we often reach for RubyOnRails rather than something like WordPress or SilverStripe. Rails has a lot of capability that enables us to build CMS features comparable to the best CMS systems. So when you want something unique, you don't have to... Read More

Websites and Climate Change

November 05, 2021 by Will

Climate change. It's real and it's bad. There aren't many human endeavours that aren't contributing to the catastrophe. Do you know how much carbon is released to power the internet? It is estimated there are a billion websites. All those web pages need a web server to store markup, databases, images... Read More

Flexible Content With SilverStripe

September 07, 2020 by Will

Introduction Part 3 in our series of posts about Flexible content covers Flexible Content in Silverstripe CMS. Silverstripe has added Flexible Content as a core supported module, called Elemental. The Elemental module provides the ability for SilverStripe users to break up a web page into smaller modular parts (or ‘blocks’) that allow... Read More

Flexible Content With Wordpress and Gutenburg

August 28, 2020 by Will

Following on from last week's Statamic Article,[/blog/flexible-content-with-statamic-cms/] let's take a look at flexbile content modeling with Wordpress[]. Note this is about *content. *It isn't page building in the sense of designing templates like something like BeaverBuilder or Divi does. It is for populating the content column within your page template.... Read More

Flexible Content With Statamic CMS

August 20, 2020 by Will

Flexible Content is a way of composing content using multiple, selectable, orderable field types in a content area. It's become popular with clients and content editors and is available in most modern CMS. Let's have a look at how to do it with Statamic, a modern file based CMS. Statamic... Read More

File Management with Rails and Active Storage

December 04, 2018 by Will

With Rails 5 we now have ActiveStorage: built in file management with the framework. This is a fantastic adition to the framework as it standardises file management, instead of relying on 3rd party plugins. ActiveStorage adds two tables to your app that handles all the file details (active_storage_blobs) and the... Read More

Drag and drop with Rails and HTML5

September 10, 2018 by Will

The ability to order lists is a popular feature for many web apps. We want to accomplish it with a minimum of overheads, dependencies and fuss. With Ruby on Rails and modern browsers - this is a simple task. Step 1, The Setup. We will need to manage the ordering of... Read More

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