We've recently launched an initiative with 7 other small digital-focused agencies called SmallBizHelp.io.

It's the Coronavirus days, and there's a lot of small businesses who are trying to get themselves prepared for quite a few months without 'business as usual'. A lot of that is the ability to get setup online in one form or another, and make some changes that might only be necessary for a short amount of time. Putting those changes in place are critical immediately, and you're probably trying to juggle 2 issues - paying staff (and yourself), and spending on tools that let you continue to trade.

sbh logoAnd that's where this Small Biz Help initiative comes in.

You see - we're seeing quite a bit of anxiety (yep, we're anxious about business this year too), and some uncertainty (yeah, we're wondering how long this will last too!), so in that spirit of 'we're all in this together' (cue Ben Lee (no dont)) - we're focusing on high quality, and low-margin, and tailoring squarely on very practical aspects that are fast to implement.

In the last few weeks we've implemented changes for clients that allow them to tier their pricing for different customers, sell and provide online courses instead of physical, sell groceries online where they never have before, and roll out branding that is for a short-time-only range of services.

And there's this upside too - If you make some changes now - they might actually extend your business offering so it's attractive to a whole new market. If you show your difference in being fast to adapt, you can win customers before your competition.

The F45 gym in Brookvale on Sydney's Northern Beaches quickly setup to be doing live-stream workout sessions through Zoom, and within the first week attracted 100 NEW subscription customers - all whom were now staying home, captive, and needed their exercise. It's a great time to get fit! F45 saw that. They adapted - and they're trading better than before the problems. They shouldn't be - Gyms are places to go - but they adapted extremely well by seeing the gap and taking it.

I've had 2 calls from entrepreneurs trying help their local restaurants and bars weather the storm - with great ideas that we're making happen fast.

What else is it a great time to do?

Well - anything. We've had 15 calls to speak about different businesses - from retail, to real estate, to mindfulness, to government departments - about how they could make the most of this shutdown situation. And a lot of them are taking us up on some small and focused practical ideas that won't cost a bomb, but will quickly make a difference to the bottom line.

I'm available for free idea calls until end of July.
Tim - 0425238857

Shakas, not handshakes.


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